Recipe: Yummy Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll.

Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll You can cook Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll using 4 ingredients and 11 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll

  1. It's 1 bowl of cooked rice.
  2. It's 4 of eggs.
  3. Prepare of salt.
  4. It's of fried shrimp.

Lovely Fried Shrimp Roll step by step

  1. Separate egg white and egg yolk. Mix well and put a pinch of salt..
  2. Fry egg yolk with very low flame till it cooked almost done but surface is still raw. Then turn off the flame and cover with lid for 3 minutes..
  3. Cut fried egg yolk. You can make any shapes, stripes, hearts♡......
  4. Return fried egg yolk. Then turn on flame for just warming and turn off. Put egg white with small spoon like these photos. Fry with very low flame and cook with remaining heat..
  5. Fry egg white and place flower egg yolks..
  6. I bought frozen shrimp-fry at the supermarket. So today I use this..
  7. Put rice on film and make it square shape. And put shrimp-fry on rice and roll tightly..
  8. Place egg sheet upside down and roll shrimp with rice and roll with egg sheet. Salt a little every step..
  9. Wrap egg shrimp roll with film for a while for keeping good shape..
  10. .
  11. Enjoy 😊 Lovely 💕Kawaii❣️.