Recipe: Yummy Onion Squid

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Onion Squid. Install Squid on ubuntu Install Tor on Ubuntu Install Privoxy on Ubuntu. The Privoxy website is also available as Tor onion service. Squid & Onion is a dish in De Pride Isle Sanatorium.

Onion Squid Users of the Tor network run an onion proxy on their machine. You can have Onion Squid using 4 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Onion Squid

  1. It's 4 pcs of squid.
  2. You need Half of onion.
  3. Prepare 1 tbsp of satay sauce.
  4. You need Slices of ginger.

Onion Squid step by step

  1. Wash and remove skin of squid. Cut it into rings.
  2. Heat wok add oil then saute ginger and onion keep mixing until onion turns translucent. Add squid and 1 tbsp satay sauce. Cook until squid are done.