How to Cook Delicious Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup.

Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup You can cook Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup using 9 ingredients and 12 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup

  1. It's 1 of Squid.
  2. It's 1 of Carrot.
  3. Prepare 1 of Courgette.
  4. Prepare 1 of Celery stalk or small Chinese celery bunch.
  5. It's 1 of Bok Choy.
  6. Prepare 2 of tbsp​ grinded dried shrimp.
  7. It's 1 of big bowl of water.
  8. You need of Salt.
  9. You need of Dashi.

Stirfried Squid and Bok Choy soup instructions

  1. Cut the squid open and clean the gut..
  2. Throw out the sack, scale, teeth and eyes..
  3. Cut the Squid in bite size pieces. Please note that some Squid like NZ squid are quite tough so you may need to slice them up..
  4. Slice up the veges. I use Chinese celery for the aroma because I hate eating celery. Those are frozen since Chinese celery is hard to find in NZ supermarket..
  5. Put your wok or pan on the stove at high temperature. Add oil and wait for the oil to heat..
  6. Throw in the squid, add salt and dashi stock to taste. Stir the Squid until the flesh turns solid white (as opposed to the transparent white colour of raw squid)..
  7. Add veges and stir for a few minutes. Remove from heat..
  8. Fill your soup pot with water and put on the stove at high temperature..
  9. Add grinded dried shrimp, salt and dashi stock to taste..
  10. Wash the bok choy and cut it into small pieces..
  11. Once water is boiled, throw in the bok choy and turn off the stove. Leave the pot on to let the heat cook the bok choy for 5 minutes..
  12. Serve with rice..