How to Prepare Tasty How to Skin a Japanese Squid

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

How to Skin a Japanese Squid.

How to Skin a Japanese Squid You can cook How to Skin a Japanese Squid using 0 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of How to Skin a Japanese Squid

How to Skin a Japanese Squid step by step

  1. To begin, remove the squid's tentacles and internal organs, and remove the cartilage in its back..
  2. To tear off the squid's fins: To do this, use your hands to peel the fin from the base to the top in a straight and quick motion, continuing to the tip of the squid. It's easy to tear the meat at the base of the fin, so be careful! The idea is to just peel off the skin..
  3. Grasp the part of the skin that has already peeled back, and pull it up. Place the squid with the skinned side down on a cutting board, and gently peel off the skin from the bottom to the top..
  4. Each squid will be different, and some will be easier to skin than others, but peeling from bottom to top works well..
  5. No matter what you do, there will still be some skin remaining at the opening of the body, so slice about 5 mm off of the ends. You can use this piece, along with the fin and tentacles, in other recipes..
  6. You can use the skinned torso for sashimi, fermenting, stir-frying, etc. Skinned squid looks better in stir-fried dishes..